Friday, April 18, 2008

Liquid Gold

I took a taxi out to the import store today with a few friends of mine. I was on a mission to find something I have been missing for quite some time. After passing through much of the store, I finally reached the drink aisle. My eyes quickly scanned through all the bottles and cans of beverages hoping to find what I had came to buy. There it was; the 12-pack of Dr. Pepper was looming over me on the top shelf (the price was also looming at 102 kuai, equivalent to $13.50). I had to have Kendra help me in retrieving my liquid gold, so I suppose I owe her one can. I am now home, obviously, enjoying one of the twelve. We'll see how long they last in my fridge. I was hoping to come away with a pint of Ben and Jerry's ice cream as well, and I could have, I suppose... but they only had two flavors, neither of which was my favorite.

Next time you go to the store, pick up a 12-pack of Dr. Pepper just because you don't have to pay $13.50 for it.


Anonymous said...

"Next time you go to the store, pick up a 12-pack of Dr. Pepper just because you don't have to pay $13.50 for it."

Actually, that's very funny!! LOL!
Love, Yo Uncle,

Jenn Eastman said...

i will buy dr. pepper just for you! :) i'm glad you got some there and i hope you are enjoying it so much!