Tuesday, April 8, 2008

For my faithful warriors

I wanted to share some things with you that you can be lifting up to Him in thought*.

China has really been in the news this year, especially now as Beijing will be hosting the 2008 Summer Olympic games in a few months. Because I can't go into great detail about political issues via this entry (besides the fact that most of you might even know more about this than I do), I'd just ask that you yarp* for this country and its people during this spotlight time. I know the media is having a field day with some of the events taking place, no pun intended. I just ask you would yarp* for the officials during this time and for the native Chinese (and foreigners) in their responses and actions. This is a big year for China to show the world what she is capable of, and things are not going as planned.

Yarp* for Tibet.

Yarp* for the Workers* in the parts of China that are not as developed as Shanghai. Ask that He give them peace and continued boldness to share their faith without fear. I ask that He would pierce hearts and reveal Himself in a mighty way. Yarp for those who are being persecuted, for where there is persecution, there is the advancement of the Good News. I yarp that through this, these faithful would remain strong and bold.

A bit closer to home, there has been spiritual oppression and dissension among some believers in our local fellowship. Please lift up the many leaders of the Body that they may have the grace and discernment to handle these matters. I also would ask that you lift up those who are in these situations, that we might be convicted and restored, seeking after the Truth daily so they might overcome in victory.

There is much change going on academically with our school's administration and faculty... The administration hasn't given us any details on this issue, but this is one request we as believers mention daily in our morning faculty meetings at the Kindergarten.

In relation to academics, the Kindergarten children will be taking the English Language Proficiency exam next week. We have set aside Tuesday - Friday to be testing days. This is the test they must pass in order to enter into the 1st Grade English Track at the Elementary school. There is a heavy amount of pressure on the K2 teachers -- I'm one of those teachers -- as we are wrapping up the material. Yarp* that we as teachers would not become discouraged this week. Yarp* for confidence and peace for both the children and teachers, and for the wisdom to know that this is out of our control; we can only do so much, and we must be faithful and diligent with the time we have left this week.

Personally, I have really been focusing on yarping* for peace and contentment in my situations and surroundings. I have been asking Him to surround me with a desire to know Him more and more, and to share that knowledge in love with those around me who need it just as much as I do. I so desperately need the attitude of Him to reflect in my actions.

Only a few more months remain for me in China... I am in the process of selling my furniture and little nick-nacks. Yarp* that that will go smoothly. Plus, I'm also in the middle of a job search in the States. Yarp* that He will give the discernment to know where He is leading me, should there be more than one open door.

Thanks for the sweet fragrant offering of thoughts* you lift to Him for this country and for me.

1 comment:

Brit said...

will surely be yarping for awhile. i'm so thankful to see and hear how talk about the importance of unity and togetherness within the Body sis. i'm praying for you and hope all is well.