Sunday, April 27, 2008

This just in... an update to pr-yer requests

Thank you so much for yarping*!

The spiritual oppression and dissension among some of the believers in the fellowship have been lifted! I am so thankful for the restoration and the healing that is taking place. I am really begging that He continue to move in and among us as we grow and work together, not allowing us to fall back on our weaknesses in the hard times, but keeping us focused on the things that are worth it.

The ELP (English Language Proficiency) testing was finished last week, and we survived! I had 14 students pass the test, which means they will be going into the 1st Grade English Track next year. For those students who are not native speakers, this is a great accomplishment! I am very proud of them and their efforts. We sent out the results on Friday, so hopefully my inbox will be void of hate mail, death threats or emails from exasperated parents protesting their child be re-tested Monday morning. Please continue to lift up this situation as our principal has to deal with much of the negative sides of the ELP testing process, to say the least.

Much of my furniture has been sold (though I won't be giving it all up until I absolutely no longer need it, of course). Thankfully, I won't have the trauma of getting rid of my things the week before my time expires here in Shanghai.

I am still wrestling with Him on what to do next year as I make this transition to come back to the States; He has yet to open any doors. I personally have a few doors in mind, doors I keep nervously dancing in front of, like a girl who desperately has to use the bathroom, hoping He'll open them. Perhaps the door He'll open is behind me, or maybe it's down the street and I have to walk a little ways before I get to it. I feel at this point, He is about to hand me a pair of Depends and tell me I'm not ready yet, so I might as well relieve myself. In any case, He'll provide.... eventually.

Some good news: We have May Holiday next week, and I'm venturing off to Beijing!! I leave on Tuesday night with Kendra and Vicki. We're taking a 13-hour overnight train in which we do not have sleepers... you already know I'll have something to report with that. I'll get to see, in no particular order, the Great Wall, Tienamen Square, Chairman Mao's dead body, the Summer Palace, and the Olympic Village. My friend Jennifer lives in Beijing, so she'll be taking us around to all the good shops! It's going to be nice to see a new American face.
We'll be coming back on Saturday. I'm notably happy about this trip, especially since it's our last vacation until school's out...

That's all for now. I'll catch up with you next weekend after I get back from my little excursion.

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