Wednesday, March 19, 2008

La Profesora de Espanol

I'm pretty excited tonight as I write this entry. As of yesterday, I am now a Spanish tutor for two Chinese boys, both of whom are in the 4th grade. How crazy weird is that?!

Our first lesson: the alphabet and numbers. Before beginning, I let them pick out a Spanish name from a list of names I had acquired online. Chale and Nicolas - those were the ones they wanted. I was secretly hoping for maybe a Pedro, Juan, Jose, Rico, Carlos, or even Ricky Martin... My Spanish name isn't too terribly exciting: Emilia.

To some of you, this tutoring job might sound a bit random, and honestly, it is. A fellow teacher friend of mine emailed me something she had found posted on the teacher bulletin board: Two boys looking to take Spanish or French lessons. I immediately called the number I had in the email. In a matter of one day, I was scheduled to teach. I asked the boys' mothers why they wanted to learn Spanish... they said their sons were gifted in learning English, so they figured they would just add on another language and give it a try. Here I am. This is divine appointment.

Over the past week and a half, I have had a piece of Spanish almost every day - overhearing a conversation in the dressing room at SuperBrand Mall; sitting next to a table of Spanish businessmen at Starbucks; hearing a Spanish song on the radio in the taxi; a man stopping me for directions who had a very distinguished Spanish accent; hearing a woman speak on her cellphone as she passed me; a couple speaking Spanish in the grocery store... That might be common in the States, but in China, that is almost unheard of (and for it to be so consistent...). I am desperate to be back in Latin America, but have needed China so much. The things that have happened to me here had to happen before I could see Latin America again... I love how He has placed within my Spirit a little piece of Latin America in my classroom two times a week. And just because He loves me.

I can't hope for Latin America so much that I miss out on Him or what He has left for me in China, but I can rejoice in the confirmation of the things that are yet to come.


Unknown said...


After reading your previous post, something Bre and I are considering is signing a 6 months lease and living in this Dallas neighborhood that I work in right now called Vickery Meadows. It's got lots of Hispanic children (which is what my after-school program is predominantly comprised of) and African refugee children. Might you be interested in cohabiting with us? Nothing is even for sure yet, AT ALL, and but it's just a thought to throw out there. Let me know your thoughts via email! Miss you!


Anonymous said...

that's pretty flippin sweet emmie