Friday, November 23, 2007

More than tradition.

I was apprehensive when I first considered living overseas about spending holidays without my family or friends. I made it through my first holiday, and I survived. I guess that means I'm a big girl now. Heh.

I have given up a few things this year by moving, but I've gained much as well. I am so thankful for my kids and their funny comments they make. In the middle of my explanation of a worksheet the other day, Albert shouts out, "I want to be king, said the tall fat man!" On a more serious note, when asked "What can we thank G-d for?", Nathaniel said, "J-sus and His blood." ...soon followed by asking if I was Chr-stian and receiving an enthusiastic yes. I have a hard time loving my kids some days, but what a great blessing they are to me. I have a huge task of taking care of them and helping shape their futures. I can't wait to see how far they have come at the end of the year.

Thanksgiving Day Dinner
All the Kindergarten English teachers had dinner at our department head's apartment. He and his wife have 5 kids, there were 8 English teachers, and one teacher brought his family of 4. All in all, we had 19 people in an apartment. It was wonderful. Our group picture is still in John's camera, so you won't find it here... but I did eat turkey with chopsticks. That's pretty cool, if you ask me. (The first picture is of me preparing the salad at my friend's apartment. I was in charge of bringing the salad.)

My little turkeys.
I had a Thanksgiving Day lesson in my classes on Thursday. Here are some pictures from that as well. Class one took two pictures and Class two took two pictures as well.

Happy Thanksgiving from China!
Miss you all....